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Ruralco Celebrates 60 years supporting farmers for a brighter future

Today marked Ruralco’s 60th anniversary, and this significant milestone was celebrated at the co-operative’s three stores with cake-cutting and stories of days gone by.


An enthusiastic group of early shareholders and former staff members joined the Ruralco team, with Group CEO Robert Sharkie, and Ruralco Chair, Sir David Carter both acknowledging the foresight of the farmers behind the establishment of the co-operative back in 1963.


Those Mid Canterbury farmers got together to find ways to lower agricultural input costs, and since then the co-operative has grown beyond its original catchment, now having a national reach through its online presence and card network.


Today the co-operative is still held dear by its loyal members and has a proud history of supporting farmers and the agriculture sector through all the usual ups and downs farming faces.


“We will continue to support our farmers. That was the original intent of our founding shareholders, and it has remained unchanged. We’ve had farmers’ backs for 60 years and we will continue to do so for another 60,” says Sir David.


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