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Archive by tag: AgronomyReturn
Look back and plan ahead to get the most from your autumn sown cereal crops.
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In 2022/23, FAR investigated the viability of sowing legumes into ryegrass re-growth to a) extend the value of the crop by providing high quality feed, and b) reduce the N fertiliser spend for the next year (nitrogen fertiliser costs frequently make up more than half of farm expenses).
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As I write this update, Canterbury’s Port Hills are burning. With evacuations, monsoon buckets, helicopters, tired firefighters, it all feels very familiar after similar events in 2017. For some time, fire risk has been extreme in many areas throughout New Zealand. The silver lining to this has been excellent conditions for grain and seed harvest, with many arable growers keeping up with harvest without the stresses of regular rainfall events leading to tight harvest windows.
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Post-emergence nitrogen helps brassicas meet their yield potential. With a little help, kale, turnips, swedes and other brassica forage crops can provide high yields of quality feed.
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Corteva™ Agriscience has farmers covered with a suite of post emergence forage brassica herbicides that provide a solution for all situations.
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After the last couple of years where winter- early spring has been memorable for heavy periods of rain leading to emergency level problems, it all seems very comfortable.
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The summer survivor’s guide for ryegrass pastures.
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Dairy farming on the edge of a higher altitude area can produce a few challenges—but for Jayson and Clare Nish, growing maize isn’t one of them.
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Once again, we have seen some extreme weather through the winter period. While not as damaging as some previous years, the excess water across areas of Canterbury has been visually obvious for some periods.
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Mohaka AR37 is bringing a new dimension to the hybrid ryegrass category, coupled with the industry’s leading endophytes for insect protection and new high producing genetics.
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