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Archive by tag: Real FarmerReturn
On 1 July 2018 the first regional fuel tax (RFT) allowed under law came into force in Auckland – and confusion reigned. The law was passed only a matter of days before on 26 June 2018, and how it would work in practice for growers and farmers in the area—and beyond once other regions adopt the tax—was unknown.
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New Zealand’s not-in-calf rates are still sitting around 17% and the question is, can anything be done to improve the situation?
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Livestock monocultures and inappropriate drenching practices are contributing to the emergence of internal parasite resistance to triple combination drenches.
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A penchant for trying new crops coupled with a need to find a viable alternative to growing traditional vegetable seeds, is the driving force behind Methven cropping farmers’ Andrew Currie and Gaewynne Hood’s foray into commercially producing the new-age grain, quinoa.
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Mid Canterbury farming folk have been treated to a fantastic display of all things agricultural at this year’s Ruralco Instore Days.
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Mike Read has set himself a very impressive mountaineering challenge and Everest is already ticked off the list
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The success of a velvet producing deer farm is all down to great deer genetics and a family working together.
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Now more than ever, farmers are reliant on technology to assist in every day farming decisions.
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Lincoln University will play a significant role in identifying plant, animal and disease outbreaks after receiving a game-changing piece of technology from two senior food safety researchers in the United States.
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At last year’s New Zealand Precision Agriculture conference key note speaker Raj Khasla, Professor of Precision Agriculture at Colorado State University maintained that technology will do much to lift New Zealand agriculture’s sustainability and productivity.
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