Rhea Booker   

Rhea Booker


Tel 0800 787 256

Rhea Booker is a Chartered Accountant and runs Rural Business Accountants Limited, an Ashburton based Chartered Accountancy firm, with her business partner, Aaron. Rhea graduated from the University of Waikato with a Bachelor of Management Studies.

Rhea’s experience has largely been in corporate accounting and has extended across agriculture, agricultural support, manufacturing, construction, and engineering industries. Rhea is passionate about business and creating practical solutions that a team can run with so they can thrive. She is excited to be a part of the Ruralco board where she can take her experience of reporting to the board and implementing change, to governing a prosperous co-operative.

Rhea and James have two young children and in their spare time are heading outdoors, up mountains, into waves, or down on the farm.

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