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Ruralco Chair steps down

The Ruralco Board today announced that its Chairman, Alister Body, has signalled his intention to step down from his role and pursue broader agribusiness interests.

Alister has successfully led the Ruralco Board for the past two years and served as a Director since 2011. In that time, Alister initiated and led a full governance review leading to an overhaul of the board function, rebrand of the business, reorganisation of senior management and a return to profitability. He also chaired the joint venture with Ravensdown that saw the creation of the Ruralco brand.

The Ruralco Board acknowledges the significant contribution Alister has made over 8 years of service and his infectious passion for Ruralco and the members it serves. He has agreed to continue to support the business until June 30, 2020 whereupon he will retire from the Board. We thank him for his unwavering guidance and vision and wish him well in his future endeavours.

The Ruralco Board has appointed Jessie Chan-Dorman as Chair Elect and Alister will aid in her succession. 


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