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Feed run to the Hawkes Bay drought affected farmers

Hi everyone, there is a small group here in Mid Canterbury organising a feed run to the Hawkes Bay drought affected farmers. Seeing the HUGE success of the Rapafeedrun...we felt we were also in a position to help out.
Any amount would be greatly appreciated...5, 10 bales, anything you can spare.
First preference is for baleage to feed Sheep and Cattle.
We have been in communication with a Facilitator in Rural Support Trust who is steering us in the right direction.
Grant Perkins of HINDS CARTAGE is on board to help in transport logistics. All freight will be covered.
Please spread the word, if you can help at all, email on

Once again, anything would be greatly welcomed, please share.

Regards Ben and Mary-Anne Stock, Ashburton


Coastal challenge calling

Coastal challenge calling

With registrations now open for the 2023 Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge the organising committe...

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Arable crops and sequestration?

Arable crops and sequestration?

As farm businesses begin to calculate their annual total on-farm greenhouse gas emissions, FAR is re...

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Fertigation’s pastoral potential

Fertigation’s pastoral potential

Could applying fertiliser together with irrigation water help farmers meet the nitrogen cap rule?

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Nutrient duo for flourishing pasture

Nutrient duo for flourishing pasture

“Spring pasture needs both nitrogen and sulphur. A sulphur deficit limits nitrogen uptake, and ther...

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Getting Fit for Calving

Getting Fit for Calving

A new 6-week programme to help women get in condition for the demands of calving season is about to ...

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NZFET- Efficiency and support networks two keys to success

NZFET- Efficiency and support networks two keys to success

Kiwi ingenuity, mixed with a healthy dose of organisation, means Otago’s Angela Scott has simplifie...

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