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Revamp for 2024 Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge


From its’s inception in 2007 to the 10th anniversary event, the Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge grew steadily in numbers, attracting new riders. As the numbers grew the committees of the time introduced new events, building the event from a single mountain bike ride to three mountain bike rides and three run and walk events which regularly attracted 800- 1,000 participants.

Over the past few years, the increase in the number of other events on offer, plus the cost of living have meant participants are spending more carefully. This led to a strategic review of the event, culminating in the organising committee for 2024 decided to refresh the new event, repurpose a trophy and introduce new courses to the offering.

Chairwoman, Rachael Rickard says “When we surveyed our community of volunteers, supporters and participants we were overwhelmed with support for the event, new ideas and a few home truths about what was on offer at other events that we need to add to be attractive. This saw us decide to introduce medals for every participant, revamp our registration packs and bring in more spot prizes.”

The committee also heard it was time for a refresh of the courses .“We’ve been going in the same direction for the past 16 events, and we were considering how to bring in fresh perspective. Then the thought occurred ‘why not ride back the other way?’. The more we discussed it the more excited we got about it. This is a community event and alongside being a fundraiser we have the goal of connecting our community. We hope to do this by having one prizegiving for the event. To achieve this mountain bikers will have an earlier start time, and we’ll lift and shift the 5km course away from mountain bikers, to ensure families and children aren’t clashing with bikes,” says Rachael.

Over the years the committee has noticed athletes who come and run, then wait around for the mountain bike leg and then head out and do that. “We are aware there are many multisport athletes in our community who love a ‘next level’ challenge, this is where the two-stage duathlon of a 23km mountain bike, then 12km run, comes in.”

If this wasn’t enough of a revamp, there is also the addition of a new trophy up for grabs for school teams. Over the passage of time the event has ended up with two corporate mountain bike trophies, one for each of the 35km and 23km rides. These have historically been a battle between teams from Ruralco, BNZ and Big Als Methven, which has been awesome. However, to attract a new breed of riders the 35km team’s trophy has been repurposed to the Schools Challenge Trophy which will be awarded to the fastest team of four in the 12km mountain bike ride. Teams of four students must be between Years 4–8 and the winning team will be the one who has the fastest first three riders over the finish line.

In addition to those out racing, competing, and completing, the event is supported by over 100 volunteers, from committee members, to catering on the day, to track preparations and management, to site management and sponsorship.

“There are a huge number of hours that go into making this event the success it is, and we are really excited to welcome you all to the 2024 event.”

New for 2024:

• We have added a Duathlon (23km mountain bike + 12km run)

• The 23 & 35km mountain bike courses will be ridden in reverse

• New 5km run course away from any bikers

• School Teams Challenge: Teams of 4 from Years 4–8 compete in the 12km mountain bike—first 3 competitors over the line is the official time

• All finishers will receive a medal

Registrations are now open! Visit

This year’s event is being held on Sunday 24 November 2024

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