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Archive by category: WellbeingReturn
Lithium batteries are becoming a more common sight on farms these days and are used in numerous devices around the home. While they are now a part of modern life the batteries can create a fire risk, particularly if they are damaged.
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How you react to challenges has a huge impact on how well you manage the ups and downs of farming, says Taranaki dairy farmer Kane Brisco, author of top-selling book Tools For The Top Paddock. Here he shares his tips for staying calm under pressure.
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Early on in 2023 the Mid Canterbury Rural Support Trust identified the need to continue building our profile in the Rural community—people had heard about the Rural Support Trust, but few people knew what the Trust offered in terms of long and short-term support.
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Meat the Need and Feed Out have proudly donated more than two million mince and milk meals to food banks and community organisations across the country, nourishing communities facing food insecurity with high quality New Zealand protein.
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Focusing on daily habits helps manage pressure when the going gets tough says Farmstrong ambassador Sam Whitelock.
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Following a hair-raising encounter, Barry and Pauline George breath a sight of relief, grateful they didn't leave anything to fate when they discovered they had a narrow escape from a potential disaster.
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El Niño is here this summer and rural insurer FMG is encouraging rural New Zealand to be prepared for the increased risks that they may face with the dry, hot, and windy conditions on the way.
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Farming, like professional sport, is a job with plenty of challenges. That’s why it’s important to look after yourself, says Farmstrong Ambassador Sam Whitelock.   
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FMG began their partnership with Melanoma New Zealand a couple of years back, helping to share life-saving advice to prevent avoidable deaths and suffering from melanoma.
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With registrations now open for the 2023 Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge the organising committee are well into preparations for the 16th running of Mid Canterbury’s iconic event.
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