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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

For the next three months we are looking at the final sprays for finishing off our cereal and grass seed crops, getting our silos cleaned up before harvest, continuing our post emergence sprays on fodder beet, pre and post emergence sprays on forage brassicas and weed control in new pasture.
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A cutting-edge software tool is helping farmers reduce losses.
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Ruralco has partnered up with Canterbury based solar energy company Platinum Energy to provide farms with a viable, effective energy alternative.
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Spring has once again delivered a variety of weather conditions. After a prolonged wet period through winter and early spring, the latter part delivered some warmer weather drying things out to the extent that irrigation was underway earlier than it had been over the last couple of years.
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Ruralco’s ability to respond quickly to farmers’ needs and current market conditions have been key to its success in achieving pleasing revenue results in the 2022 financial year.This year provided a number of challenges for shareholders and the Ruralco business as farmers continued to face regulation and compliance issues, climatically challenging weather patterns, Covid interruptions and high on-farm inflation and production costs.“While commodity prices continue to remain hi...
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Ealing farmer Shayne Jones of Farmleigh Limited has taken out the best fodder beet crop in this years’ Ashburton A&P Association’s Winter Feed Competition, and also took out the Ravensdown Trophy for the overall winner.
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Nationwide appreciation and recognition for the hard mahi put in by our farmers on a daily basis is the ultimate aim of a newly launched campaign by Ruralco.
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You may remember the adage: “An animal resting in the shade is not doing what it is meant to be doing—eating grass and fattening up.” Things have come a long way since then and shelter has become one of the key components of animal welfare.
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A new test provides information on soil’s biological properties as well as its fertility, quickly, easily and affordably.
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A Christchurch family fishing company has placed one foot in the sea and another on the land with their range of sustainable fish fertilisers that are bringing the ocean to the paddock across New Zealand and beyond.
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