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Feed run to the Hawkes Bay drought affected farmers

Hi everyone, there is a small group here in Mid Canterbury organising a feed run to the Hawkes Bay drought affected farmers. Seeing the HUGE success of the Rapafeedrun...we felt we were also in a position to help out.
Any amount would be greatly appreciated...5, 10 bales, anything you can spare.
First preference is for baleage to feed Sheep and Cattle.
We have been in communication with a Facilitator in Rural Support Trust who is steering us in the right direction.
Grant Perkins of HINDS CARTAGE is on board to help in transport logistics. All freight will be covered.
Please spread the word, if you can help at all, email on

Once again, anything would be greatly welcomed, please share.

Regards Ben and Mary-Anne Stock, Ashburton


A little goes a long way thanks to farmer driven meat charity

A little goes a long way thanks to farmer driven meat charity

Giving a little is reaping big rewards thanks to a farming initiative aimed at preventing New Zealan...

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Native planting for shelter

Native planting for shelter

You may remember the adage: “An animal resting in the shade is not doing what it is meant to be doi...

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A tough farming year finishes on mixed outcomes

A tough farming year finishes on mixed outcomes

As the farming season draws towards a close, the ups and downs of a particularly tumultuous year hav...

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Prison piggery fosters rehabilitation and sustainable farming

Prison piggery fosters rehabilitation and sustainable farming

Christchurch Men’s Prison Piggery is not just a producer of premium free-farmed New Zealand pork, i...

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Smart farming for sustainability

Smart farming for sustainability

Almost a decade ago Eiffelton dairy farmers Sara and Stu Russell, with farm owners Richard and Diana...

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Corteva Agriscience, has announced the successful registration and launch of the new selective herbicide

Corteva Agriscience, has announced the successful registration and launch of the new selective herbicide

Extensively evaluated for weed control efficacy and crop safety in local product development trials,...

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