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Healthy calves are heavy calves


The first weeks of life

When a calf is born, we hope they have a long, productive life ahead of them as future members of the herd. We know that productive cows begin life as healthy calves, and therefore the job of calf-rearing is incredibly important.

However, there are a number of hurdles that need to be overcome during the first weeks of a calf’s life. Firstly, when a calf is born, its gastrointestinal system is in an immature state, only capable of digesting milk. Establishing a healthy bacterial population in this early stage of life is vital to gut and rumen development. A well-functioning rumen optimised to digest solid food is key to successful weaning.

Secondly, the calf is often exposed to harmful pathogenic bacteria in the environment, which can lead to outbreaks of disease such as diarrhoea. This, in combination with stressors (e.g., adapting to a calf shed, tagging, dehorning) and having a developing immune system, can lead to significant health costs. Besides this, caring for sick calves is a labour-intensive process.

The importance of the microbiome

The microbiome that is established at this early stage will have an impact on the calf for the rest of its life.

It is the microbes in the rumen that actually digest feed. In the young calf, this digestion process both stimulates the rumen and gut development while providing energy for the calf to grow. The more efficient microbial digestion is, the bigger the gains in liveweight and the better equipped the calf is to cope with weaning, as well as meeting future critical weight targets.

How can MYLO® help calves?

MYLO® is an Australian-made, liquid probiotic containing three strains of Lactobacillus bacteria (L. casei, L. buchneri and L. paracasei), which have been shown to be beneficial to calf health and productivity. MYLO® is antibiotic-free, Certified Organic and has no withholding periods.

Research1 shows that calves receiving a daily 10ml dose of MYLO®:

• Are up to 8% heavier (6kg greater than the control group),

• Have heavier, more developed rumens and intestinal organs,

• Show an earlier interest in feed and have the ability to be weaned up to 10 days sooner,

• Have a more diverse rumen microbiome.

By starting MYLO® in your calves from birth, you are ensuring their gut is populated with beneficial bacteria. These bacteria improve digestion, ensuring your calves get the most nutrients from their diet, improving growth rates and enhancing gut development, allowing for earlier weaning.

MYLO® can be used to support hygienic calf-rearing practices; the probiotic bacteria in MYLO® can help outcompete pathogens in the gut, helping keep calves healthy and making raising calves less stressful.

Enhanced growth, earlier weaning and reduced health costs can help save time and money when it comes to calf-rearing.

How to use MYLO®

MYLO® is a liquid formulation, which allows it to be easily mixed into milk or milk replacer.

Dose rate: 10ml/calf/day from birth

Cost: $13/calf (over a 10-week weaning period) Talk to your Ruralco Representative to find out how MYLO can help your calves

1Alawneh, J. et al, Effect of a Lactobacilli-Based Direct-Fed Microbial Product on Gut Microbiota and Gastrointestinal Morphological Changes. Animals 2024, 14, 693.

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