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14 Years of Doing Good Things

Article and images supplied by the Longbeach Coastal Challenge

For the past 14 years the Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge, a partnership between the Longbeach School and Hinds and District Lions, has been a mainstay of the Mid Canterbury events calendar. The event attracts competitive athletes, weekend warriors, recreational runners and enthusiastic children and families. To date the event has raised over $300,000 – all of which has been donated to the community.

In July last year it was a brave committee who decided that the 14th Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge would go ahead. Not wanting the community to miss out on a year of fundraising and facing what could have been a Level change and therefore cancellation of the event at any stage, the committee wishes to extend a huge thanks to the dedicated team of sponsors, volunteers, and supporters, all who stepped up to ensure that the iconic Mid Canterbury event would go ahead. And the day itself was excellent. With fantastic weather, there was a great turn out of approximately 740 participants and the event raised $26,000. And in April this was distributed evenly to the Longbeach School and Hinds and District Lions.

The Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge has steadily grown over the years. In 2007 the event began with just a mountain bike race and 259 competitors. Since then, it has gone from strength to strength, peaking at just under 1,500 at the ten-year anniversary. The 2020 event is the third year in a row numbers have been around a similar level and the committee is satisfied, especially given the abundance of events competing for entries. Chairman Bruce Kell said “the committee is always looking for new ways to attract people to the course, so we’ve welcomed e-bikes to the course, distance runners with the 21km half marathon and teams to compete for the mountain bike trophies. With the resurgence of mountain bikers, especially in our youth, this year we’re challenging school teams to get together and take on the teams’ events!”

The Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge is organised and run by volunteers with all proceeds returned to the community. The following are some of the many projects that have benefitted from proceeds from the event:  

Longbeach School

Hinds and District Lions

Maia Health Foundation*

Digital devices for students

A rebound wall

Teacher aid support

Senior playground

Upgraded kitchen for students use.

Leadership programmes for students

Regular support for Hinds and Carew/Peel Forest Schools.

Youth initiatives.

New playground in Hinds Domain.


Helipad at Christchurch Hospital.

Parent beds at new Children`s Ward.

Youth Mental Health in Canterbury.

*Donated via the Hinds and District Lions

The event has become one of the main sources of funds for the Hinds and District Lions Club. Lions’ member and Past Chairman Garry Brown said “the support and participation we get from our members and their partners is outstanding. Our members have got a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction from the club’s principal role of track preparation, over the years the event has been running. This is ongoing with most of the work done in the spring - which can be challenging given the variable weather conditions we strike year on year. It’s great to be down on the coast putting our thinking caps on to overcome any of the multitude of issues that may arise.”

Locals are charmed by this event and return year after year - to try a new course; to challenge themselves; to keep or win a trophy or better a previous time, enjoy a day of community spirit and a delicious steak sandwich. Alongside the locals there is a steady stream of participants from Christchurch and Timaru who continue to make the trek to Longbeach year after year. The course itself offers fantastic scenery, with endless views of the Pacific Ocean, challenging sections along the stony coastline and a track which keeps participants fully engaged. There is lots of fun and adventure had by all.

The unique partnership between school and service club; landowners, sponsors and competitors make the Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge a special event, and 2021 will be significant as the event marks its 15th year. Online entries are open, and planning is already well underway. The continued support from sponsors ensures the committee can keep operational costs as low as possible.

The course will again start and finish at the historic Longbeach Estate and support from landowners and their families is paramount to the success of this event. Enough thanks cannot be given to the farmers who literally throw open their gates and allow access to their paddocks, laneways, and boundaries. This year tracks will be similar to previous years and will continue to give competitors unprecedented access to historical farmland and amazing coastline. This is a once-a-year opportunity is not to be missed, and to celebrate the significance, all finishers will receive a 15th anniversary medal.  The committee invite you to come walk, run or mountain bike the track on Sunday 28th November 2021.

For the past 15 years the committees of this event have laid solid foundations for the future. Motivated by personal achievement or a duty to the community the Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge continues to bring out the best in our people, for the good of our community. Here are some good numbers:


What: Ruralco Longbeach Coastal Challenge

When: Last Sunday in November since 2007

Next event: Sunday 28 November 2021

Fundraising: Over $300,000

Total # of entries to date:11,810

# of volunteers/event: over 100 each year


  • Mountain Bike – 35km, 23km or 12km
  • Off-road run – 21km, 12km, 5km
  • Walk – 12km, 5km
  • Teams race for 35km and 23km mountain bike.

To enter: Entries are now OPEN! Enter online at

Haven’t competed in this event yet? Then come and make 2021 your year and be charmed by this fantastic event. Challenge yourself with the 35km Classic or 23km Recreational mountain bike ride. Or get the family together for the 12km Family Ride. If biking is not for you then lace up your trainers and test yourself with the 21km off-road half marathon or get your running buddies together for the 12km or 5km recreational and fun run. After less huff and puff? Then why not soak up the scenery on the 12km or 5km walks. There is an event for everyone, register online today!


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