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Check your soil's health


A new test provides information on soil’s biological properties as well as its fertility, quickly, easily and affordably.

Living and decomposing insects, bacteria and fungi and other organisms make up less than 10 per cent of soil volume, but can have a huge impact. This biological component affects soil structure and chemical processes, with knock on effects on soil fertility, plant growth and productivity.

While healthy soil biology is resilient to changes in management practices and land use, it can become severely degraded over time by practices that impact soil’s properties and overall health. While standard fertility testing measures soil’s nutrient fertility (its chemical properties), it does not check its biological properties.

A new test, the Soil Health Check, codeveloped by Ballance and Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research as part of the Future Ready Farms programme, provides valuable information on soil’s biological properties as well as its chemical properties—for no extra effort, and minimal additional cost.

Two dimensions from a single, standard set of samples

No change to a standard soil testing programme is required, as the Soil Health Check is specifically designed to align with standard soil fertility sampling protocols.

From just the one set of soil samples the Soil Health Check provides information on soil’s biological and chemical properties. Transects for Soil Health Check sampling are based on Land Management Units, and samples are taken in the same way as standard soil fertility sampling (7.5 cm deep for pastoral land, 15 cm deep for horticultural and arable land).

It’s recommended to do the Soil Health Check every 3–5 years, compared to every 1–2 years for standard fertility testing. This is because Soil Health Check parameters change more slowly over time. If the aim is to establish a trend more rapidly, Soil Health Check sampling may be done every 1–2 years to start with, before moving to every 3–5 years once a trend is established.

More affordable

The Soil Health Check, which includes a standard fertility check, costs $140 plus GST (compared to a standard fertility check, including sulphate sulphur and organic sulphur, at $80 plus GST). It measures:

  • Standard Soil Health Check parameters: Total nitrogen; Total carbon; Anaerobically mineralisable nitrogen (AMN); Organic matter; pH; Olsen P.
  • Standard soil fertility test parameters
  • Additional parameters: Anion Storage Capacity (ASC)— a measure of the soil’s ability to store phosphorus from the soil solution on the soil colloid surfaces; Hot Water Soluble Carbon (HWSC)—once a target range for HWSC is established it will replace AMN as a Soil Health Check parameter; Carbon to nitrogen ratio—not a direct measure but provides useful information on how a soil will function in decomposition of organic residues.

Compare results against national benchmarks

Results from soil health check are measured against soil health target ranges used for national (and regional) soil health monitoring programmes. You can view your Soil Health Check results in your MyBallance account, and compare them against the displayed target ranges for your farm system and soil type. The target ranges have been reviewed by Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research and adjusted for sampling depth (7.5 cm or 15cm).

Learn how to improve biological activity, organic matter, and carbon in your soil

As Soil Health Check provides an understanding of where levels sit in relation to target ranges, management practices that may be needed to improve or maintain a given parameter can be assessed. Ballance can also provide you with highly informed recommendations to optimise your nutrient performance.

View changes in soil over time with trend view

Soil Health Check provides an indication of the impact of land use on soil health over time, and you can view trends over time for a particular paddock or farm average in MyBallance. Contact your Ruralco Representative or Ballance Nutrient Specialist to arrange your Soil Health Check.


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