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Honey and herb baked brie

Fall into autumn with this delicious Baked Brie recipe. The perfect accompaniment to any gathering or cosy night in, this smokey and salty-sweet combination is highly addictive.


Brie wheel (160g – 220g)
2Tbs honey
Spring of thyme
Salt to season
Crackers or bread to dip
Chutney (Optional)


Preheat oven to 180ºC. 
Unwrap your brie. Using a knife score the top, cutting approximately 1cm deep. 
Place brie into a baking dish or cast-iron pot scored side up, drizzle with honey and a sprinkle of thyme and salt. 
Place in the oven for about 10 minutes. The brie will be melted and almost ready for you to enjoy. 
Serve with crackers or bread, enjoy as is or combine with chutney for a more complex flavour.

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