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Archive by category: FertiliserReturn
Understanding nitrogen (N) levels in soil is important, as this nutrient is a key driver of growth and yield.
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Catch crops, also commonly referred to as cover crops, are nothing new. Already used extensively in cropping, they are traditionally sown in autumn to provide feed over winter for stock, conserve nutrients and reduce weeds, water runoff and soil erosion.
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Is magnesium (Mg) important for winter wheat yields and quality, and what’s the best course of action if a deficiency occurs?
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Look back and plan ahead to get the most from your autumn sown cereal crop.
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Replacing the nutrients removed by hay or silage keeps soil fertile and productive.
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A cutting-edge software tool is helping farmers reduce losses.
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A new test provides information on soil’s biological properties as well as its fertility, quickly, easily and affordably.
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Lucerne needs a bit of legwork to get going, but with increasingly long, dry summers, is set to become even more popular.
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There are several factors that contribute to low magnesium (Mg) levels in pasture and stock. Soil and herbage testing can provide an insight into low levels so they can be addressed before impacting farm production.
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Sulphur deserves more attention that it gets. It is important for plants, cheap and can easily be incorporated into fertiliser applications.
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