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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

Spring has once again delivered a variety of weather conditions after a warmer than usual August and September period and October and November had mixed weather. Soil temperatures struggled to rise with inconsistent sunshine hours meaning crops and pastures over this period were slow to establish
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For the next three months we are looking at the final sprays for finishing off our cereal and grass seed crops, getting our silos cleaned up before harvest, continuing our post emergence sprays on fodder beet, pre and post emergence sprays on forage brassicas and weed control in new pasture.
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Last season, Exirel® Insecticide from agricultural sciences company FMC, was approved for helicopter application, offering farmers an aerial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) compatible option and greater flexibility when spraying forage brassicas across NZ.
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MOP where it comes from, importance for legumes. Typical application rates and timings. SustaiN K, Superten K range.
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When it comes to selecting a rape cultivar for summer feed, it is important to base this decision on the potential yield needed at key times.
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Ruralco to offer shareholders the opportunity to make a direct donation to the service through their Ruralco card account.
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Over time productive pasture species including ryegrass, cocksfoot, tall fescue and clovers will slowly be replaced by less productive grass species and broadleaf weeds. When this happens both pasture production and quality are reduced, ultimately having a negative impact on both production and animal performance.
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“Covid-19 was an unprecedented obstacle this year, but as a Ruralco family we managed to overcome it. Through the grit and dedication of our team and our farmers we continued to trade in a way that served our farmers’ needs, while also meeting our financial goals,” said new Ruralco Chair, Jessie Chan at the 57th Ruralco Annual General Meeting last night.
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The Longbeach Coastal Challenge committee are excited to extend the Early Bird Entry until the 11th October 2020, meaning participants have more time to save on the entry fees and are still in the draw to win a retreat for two at the fabulous Te Wepu Intrepid Pods.
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Establishing a reputable brand in New Zealand’s competitive gardening sector is no easy task, but a Southland family are celebrating their 27th year in business with Biofeed, a product highly regarded by keen gardeners throughout the country.  But behind that brand is also a family with their roots strongly bound in the land, a history of looking after it, and a future firmly set on helping the next generation know where their food is coming from.
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