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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

No two farms are the same and that is even more so when it comes to the mineral needs of livestock upon them. Variations in soil type, feed inputs and fertiliser levels will all have a complex, interacting impact upon an animal’s level of valuable nutrients and trace elements.
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Meet Ruralco's Methven and Rakaia Store Managers with a Passion for People and Progress
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Over the past couple of years around the world “green” energy options have become very much the main topic of any discussion on energy use. This has been at both a macro or national level, and an individual business level.
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Neil Bateup, has witnessed some drastic changes to his rural community over the past 30 years, changes which have made farming easier, but in other ways significantly tougher and more isolated.
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Ruralco’s 29th annual Instore Days has proved to be a great success despite cautious expectations leading up to the event.
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There’s even more cause for celebration at this year’s Ruralco Instore Days as the farming co-operative gears up for its 60th anniversary.
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A few things have changed since the Methven Collie Club’s first dog trial was held in August 1897. The tweed jackets are gone, but the love of stock, camaraderie and a strong sense of community remain.
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The Todhunter family have doubled down on many generations of established success on Cleardale Station pushing on to farm even smarter, add value, and preserve the high value environment.
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Driven by a passion for Merino wool and homegrown entrepreneurial approach, Simon and Kirsty Williamson have successfully diversified their farming operation at Glenbrook Station, north of Omarama.
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Catch crops, also commonly referred to as cover crops, are nothing new. Already used extensively in cropping, they are traditionally sown in autumn to provide feed over winter for stock, conserve nutrients and reduce weeds, water runoff and soil erosion.
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