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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

This update looks at what is happening on farm over the next three months regarding agri-chemicals This article focuses on cereals, ryegrass, white clover, and fodder beet.
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Another kind winter has had conditions similar to last year, but September and October weather can still be variable. The benefit of early sowing can sometimes be offset by minimal soil temperatures, inconsistent growth patterns and sometimes heavy rains.
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Establishing a new crop is also an opportunity to set up the pasture to be more productive in the future than the last run-out one.
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What do Lowline Angus cattle, Suffolk sheep, Argentine barbecues and academia have in common? They represent the blueprint of Pablo Gregorini’s life.
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China is now the big engine driving New Zealand’s export value and volume for the primary sector, with almost three times the trade there than to the United States.
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Deep-rooting crops such as cereals can access nitrogen deep in the soil profile, so a deeper soil test helps in planning optimal fertiliser application for these crops.
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Calving will now be underway on most dairy farms, and there may well be some early lambs around on lower country. This time of year can be extremely busy, and it is easy to lose sight of the importance of attention to detail while rearing young stock.
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The New Zealand Rural Waste Minimisation Project finds ways for rural communities to better manage on-farm waste like soft plastics, old chemicals and used oil.
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The atmosphere was electric as over 250 invited guests gathered at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre to find out who the winners of the Ruralco Big Draw were.
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Celebrations for this year’s 25th anniversary Ruralco Instore Days are set to continue well into July, with winners from the co-op’s Big Draw due to be announced later this month.
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