Tony Coltman   

Tony Coltman

Tel 0800 787 256

Tony has over 30 years’ experience in corporate leadership and advisory roles, both in New Zealand and abroad. He was elected to the Board in 2016 and was the Chairman of the Health & Safety Committee from 2016 to 2021. He graduated from Lincoln University with a BCom in Agriculture and a Diploma in Farm Management (with Distinction) and completed the Fonterra Governance Development Programme in 2016 and is a member of the NZ Institute of Directors. Tony is Manager & Director of a 3400-cow equity partnership near Dunsandel. In 2021 Tony was elected to the Central Plains Water Ltd board. Tony has a passion for rural business and is dedicated to the sustainability of dairy farming, where his efforts were awarded when he received the Regional Supreme Award in the Ballance Farm Environment Awards. He is an active leader in the highly successful Forages for Reduced Nitrogen Leaching Programme along with other environmental initiatives. Tony and his wife, Dana, have four children and when time allows, he enjoys adventure bike riding.

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