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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

Nitrogen side-dressings encourage a good, strong canopy on summer crops and improve yields.
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Rugby has taught me heaps about how to look after yourself and handle stress. I reckon rugby and farming are similar that way – there’s always pressure to meet targets and achieve results and there’s always stuff you can’t control. For me it might be the ref, in farming it’s the weather.
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Summer is just around the corner and with that comes the risk of facial eczema (FE).
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For young arable farmers wanting to learn more, try more and discuss more about crops, while enjoying some good company, Arable Ys is an initiative that provides them with an ideal forum.
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This year’s annual general meeting was the last for Mark Saunders as he stepped down from his directorship role after six years on the co-operative board. Mark’s term on the board has spanned a period encompassing some of the most significant changes Ruralco has experienced in its 55 year existence, and includes changes that will set it up well for the future.
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Strategically and at a governance level the Ruralco co-operative has been unwavering in its focus to become the partner of choice for rural New Zealand. “We are growing with the industry and our purpose is to help drive the industry forward through shared savings, shared innovation and learnings. We are better together, growing the value for our owners,” said Alister.
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Pause for a moment and wonder what life would be like on a stock farm without working dogs. Day after day they are there, ready and willing to work, not arguing or demanding a pay increase, not being late or absent without leave. Always happy to be told what to do, and because of their genetics, only ever want to please their master. Words by Ian Hodge, GM Tech Services, Veterinary Enterprises Group
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The Bethells have been synonymous with North Canterbury farming for almost as long as there have been farms in the region. It is a history that stretches back to the purchase in the 1800s of Pahua Pastures, first farmed by Hugh Bethell’s great-grandfather Marmaduke in 1899. Words by Richard Rennie
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Aakland Chemicals have been working with Ruralco for just three years but in this short time they have certainly made a massive impact with Cardholders. Words by Niamh McCarthy
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For many years New Zealand’s horticultural sector has played second fiddle to the country’s major pastoral sectors but is now emerging rapidly from those shadows to surge ahead in export earning ability. This is thanks to growing investor confidence in the sector, some super smart operators and an ever widening pool of produce demanded by the rest of the world. By Richard Rennie
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