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For everything Ruralco and Real Farmer

Now more than ever, farmers are reliant on technology to assist in every day farming decisions.
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Lincoln University will play a significant role in identifying plant, animal and disease outbreaks after receiving a game-changing piece of technology from two senior food safety researchers in the United States.
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At last year’s New Zealand Precision Agriculture conference key note speaker Raj Khasla, Professor of Precision Agriculture at Colorado State University maintained that technology will do much to lift New Zealand agriculture’s sustainability and productivity.
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A new 6-week programme to help women get in condition for the demands of calving season is about to be launched with the support of rural wellbeing initiative Farmstrong.
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Canterbury based electricity retailer Kea Energy may be smaller than the average energy provider but there a few advantages to using Kea Energy that are definitely worthy of consideration.
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“Connected Farm” is Ultimate Broadband’s new service and it promises to take on farm Internet connectivity to a whole new level.
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Ben Mee has replaced the buzz of chopper blades with a very different sort of buzz as he and his wife Leah work hard to establish a sustainable business that will be a family legacy for years to come.
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A lifestyle change signaled a return to farming roots for Canterbury Saffron growers Geoff and Jude Slater.
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Anyone with even a passing interest in agriculture and food will be familiar with the dire stories abounding about the decline in bee numbers throughout parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
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Like most farmers on the Canterbury Plains Oxford dairy farmer Andrew Mehrtens has been anxiously eyeing the implications of the region’s land and water regional plan when it comes to nitrogen limitations.
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