To become a Ruralco Shareholder** you must have an interest in land for farming, or farm the land, or provide products or services to those working the land.
By joining Ruralco as a Shareholder, this automatically sets you up with a Ruralco Account and a Ruralco Credit Card. You can request as many Ruralco Credit Cards you require on your account.
To become a Ruralco Shareholder there is a one-off requirement for you to purchase 500 shares, worth $1 each. This will be added to your first Ruralco Statement.
You can access our Product Disclosure Statement
Joining Ruralco is an online application process. Once you have completed the online application, we will contact you should we require any further information. Applications are then submitted for approval by the Ruralco CEO on behalf of the Board of Directors.
As a co-operative we follow the Ruralco Constitution, this was amended and approved at the 2023 AGM.